1st Rwanda National Seed Congress2023

1st Rwanda National Seed Congress 2023 was held in Kigali from 31st July to 1st August 2023. The Minister of Agriculture and Animal resources opened the congress, in his speech he said “Today we are talking about a major factor of production, which is seed, i think without seeds i don’t know what we have, so seed is very important part of production that’s why we are valuing this conference as very important to create awareness on what matters for Agriculture.”

The Director General of Agriculture Modernization Dr Patrick KARANGWA participated in a panel discussion on the “Perspectives for the Future of Seed Research: Role of the Private Sector and Public Institutions”. He said:” The government of Rwanda is putting a lot of billions in agriculture transformation, I call upon the private sector to take on this opportunities”.

On the other side FAO representative Coumba D. Sow congratulate National seed association of Rwanda for this initiative and confirmed support in strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of plant in strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetics resource for food and Agriculture through policy, technical & scientifical support and awareness raising.

At the closure of the 1st Rwanda National Seed Congress 2023, Permanent Secretary in Ministry of Agriculture and Animal resources Mr OLIVIER KAMANA emphasized the government’s support for future developments in seed sector as a Public Private Partnership between government, private sector and all other role-players. He said :”We support future developments in seed sector as a Public Private Partnership between government, private sector and all other role-players. All parties need to be fully committed to achieve success. Only jointly can we achieve much needed change to enhance our seed sector.”

There was also an exhibition in this Congress, where TRI-SEEDS CO LTD has exhibited its seeds RHM 1407,RHM 1409 and RHMH 1601, Soya beans and Beans.

After two Days of the 1st Rwanda National Seeds Congress, Dr. Kulani Machaba, the Presindent of Seed Trade Association , visits Masoro Seed Processing Plant to see the Operations at the plant.

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